Why We Exist

We exist for one reason...

To give glory to God

through worship, nurture, and witness,

all fueled by the gospel of Christ.


At New Life Burbank we like to say that the Gospel is not good advice; it's good news.

This means that before anything else, the gospel is not primarily a list of things that we are supposed to do for God, or ways that we are supposed to live.  The gospel is primarily an announcement of what God has already done for us in Christ.

Who We are

We are a Gospel-Centered Church.  This means the gospel is at the heart of everything we do as a church.  Everything.

We are an Evangelical Church.  This means that the Bible is our final authority in all that we believe and do as a church.

We are a Presbyterian Church.  This means that our leadership consists of a group of men called elders, elected from the congregation, according to the standards in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  These elders are charged with the spiritual care of the church, overseeing our teaching and doctrine, and taking care of the business matters of the church.  NewLife Burbank is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America.

We are a Reformed Church.  This means that we believe in the sovereignty and supremacy of God in all things.  We believe that God is sovereign over all areas of life, and that he works all things according to the purpose of his will, for his own glory.  Our official statement of faith is the Westminster Confession of Faith.